Best 15 Detox Teas. Benefits, Weight Loss, Side Effects.
What Do Detox Teas Actually Do?

Medical Fact Checked by: Dr. Bryan Havoc
You probably have seen detox teas on your local store shelves or have heard your friends talking about them, but what do detox teas actually do? What is the best detox tea? Does detox tea help lose belly fat? We’ll take a look at everything from detox tea benefits to detox tea side effects. Once you decide if detox teas are for you then you’ll need to look into detox tea ingredients for various detox tea recipes.
What is Detoxification?
When your body is overloaded with toxins, then you need to undergo a regimen that helps remove these toxins called detoxification. Your body can naturally remove these toxins itself, but if you have any of the following symptoms, then you should look into supplementing it with detox teas, diets, or supplements.
● Low-grade infections
Certain infections can damage your liver and if your liver isn’t working at 100%, then it will be difficult to detox naturally.
● Unexplained or chronic fatigue
Having unexplained low energy and fatigue can cause issues with your personal or professional productivity. It might be time for a detox if your fatigue cannot be explained by doctors.
● Mental cloudiness
Having issues focusing can be the result of brain fog. Brain fog is most likely the result of toxins that have affected your gastrointestinal system
● Irritated skin
If you have redness on your skin or unexplained bumps that your dermatologist cannot explain, then you should try a detox to see if it helps.
● Bags under the eyes, or puffy eyes
Bags under the eyes can be explained by insomnia due to being overloaded with toxins. However, if you notice your eyes start to get puffy, then it detoxing.
● Bloating
Bloating can cause some serious anxiety due to an excess of gas. However, bloating is caused by various different medical conditions, so you’ll want to check with your doctor before conceding that you’ll need a detox.
● Menstrual problems
When your body is needing a detox, then it’s won’t have a lot of excess energy to handle the pain from menstrual issues. It could exacerbate the pain caused by menstrual pain.
● Allergies
Toxins can cause an allergic reaction. An overload of toxins can cause a skin rash or other allergic reaction. Undergoing a detox regimen can help clear up these allergies if drugs or creams are not helping.
What Are Detox Teas?
How does detox tea work? What does detox tea do? There is no magic detox drink. There is no one best detox drink or best detox tea. Every different detox tea or detox drink has its own benefits and side effects. However, they all help detoxify the body. You won’t learn how do detox tea work without looking at every ingredient first. Let’s take a look at some of the ingredients and benefits of detox teas.
Ingredients In Detox Teas
What is a good detox tea? What is detox tea? To answer your question of what does a detox tea do, you’ll want to look at the ingredients first. There are a list of good detox teas, but before you learn how to make a detox tea you should learn some of the detox tea recipes and ingredients. There are many different ingredients in detox teas that you could use to do a tea cleanse and contain many detox herbs. Let’s take a look at some of the ingredients.
● Dandelion
You can drink dandelion tea alone, but dandelion is also a common ingredient in other detox teas as well.
● Caffeine
A lot of detox teas contain caffeine. However, you’ll want to make sure you don’t have any physiological reactions to caffeine or are sensitive to it.
● Peppermint
Peppermint is also another common ingredient in herbal detox teas. Peppermint is liver detox recipe as it helps reduce the stress on the liver.
Benefits Of Detox Tea
What does detox tea do for you? There are many benefits of detox tea. However, we’ll go into depth with the benefits of each tea below, but let’s take a look at some common benefits of detox teas.
● Liver And Kidney Cleanse Benefits
How to flush kidneys and liver? Each natural detox tea can help a liver and kidney cleanse. Antioxidants and other ingredients found in detox teas make great liver detox drinks. There are certain signs of liver detox working such as the reduction in symptoms associated with toxic overload, but what is the best drink to flush your kidneys? If you’re allergic to teas, then you can try detox water to try to cleanse your
● Detox Teas Are Diuretic
Is detox tea a diuretic? Since many detox teas contain caffeine, it has a diuretic effect. Caffeine as a diuretic effect helps push water through the body. This can help cleanse your system, but you want to make sure you drink plenty of water.
● Colon Cleansing
Does detox tea make you poop? Plenty of teas are colon cleanse teas due to detox teas having a laxative effect. This laxative effect carries the toxins out of your body, but with all the fluids you’re losing you’ll want to drink plenty of water to keep from dehydrating. This laxative effect is an effective weight loss detox.
How To Do Tea Detox
Doing a detox is as easy as following certain detox tea recipes. You should also know how often you should drink detox tea and how to detox your body to lose weight.
The first step in doing a detox is how long you should do it, but do cleanses work long term?
Yes, a detox tea weight loss cleans works even if you do it for 28 days or longer, but you should manage your symptoms as even the best body detox tea regimens can have lasting side effects. You shouldn’t do a colon cleanse tea for too long as you don’t want to have a laxative effect longer than normal.
Typically, you a two-week detox of fourteen days. However, if your symptoms have yet to subside, even with a natural cleanse, you should detox a little longer. You should do it as often as you feel the symptoms still persist. However, normally people only do a detox regimen that includes a liver cleanse tea every four months or so. That’s the best time to drink detox tea.
How to cleanse your body to lose weight? Well, the answer to that is incorporating a diet. If you’re going to do a detox tea routine, then you also want to eat healthy as well. A good example of a healthy diet during a detox are quinoa breakfast bowls. Here is a quick recipe for breakfast quinoa bowl.
● 1 cup of quinoa
● One egg made your way
● Olive oil
● Veggies of your choice
This is the perfect recipe to go along with your best weight loss tea detox choice. Any detox weight loss tea works alongside this bowl as a complement. Green or matcha tea is a good herbal detox choice for breakfast as it has caffeine in it and will last you through the day. It isn’t advisable to do caffeine at night as it could affect your ability to sleep.
If you’re going to do a workout during detox, the best workout that’s advisable are low-impact cardio workouts such as yoga or Pilates.
You need to make sure you’re doing it long enough to work up a sweat so you can detoxify your skin as well.
Having a detox tea homemade right in your kitchen after yoga will help flush out the toxins released after more blood flows throughout your body.
Detox Tea Side Effects And Risks
There are a couple of side effects you need to look out for when doing a tea detox.
● Laxative Effects
These might be good detox drinks for weight loss, but you have to stay hydrated because of the laxative effects of detox drinks. If you don’t stay hydrated, you could develop a headache and other unwanted effects.
● Nausea
Nausea is an unwanted side effect as it could cause vomiting and other gastrointestinal discomforts. However, sometimes it’s just your body adjusting to the detox, so try to tough it out for a little. If you see no improvement, then you might need to stop.
● Caffeine-effects
A lot of detox teas contain a lot of caffeine. This isn’t good for those who are sensitive to caffeine. You could possibly exacerbate any anxiety issues or cause heart problems. It’s best to speak to your doctor beforehand.
Different Types Of Detox Teas
● Green Tea
Green tea detoxes are popular around the world. Green tea has a history that starts all the way in China. At first, it was used originally to reduce belly fat, but its antioxidants have detox green tea more popular. However, if you’re drinking a lot of green tea, you’ll need to drink plenty of water as well. Is green tea a diuretic? Yes, green tea is considered a natural diuretic.
● Red Tea
Rooibos is an herbal tea also known as red tea. Red tea detox found to be effective for weight loss. It’s one of the best homemade detox teas you can use for a natural kidney cleanse. It’s been found as one of the best detox teas to use if you want to lose weight quickly. If you’re wondering how to make red tea detox, then the recipe is relatively simple. A simple red tea detox recipe is just the rooibos tea, water, and honey.
● Dandelion Tea
Dandelion root tea detox has been made popular over the years to help cleanse the body. It’s become a part of any regimen as a detox for weight loss. Dandelion tea detox is effective as a liver detox tea as dandelion leaves have been found to detoxify the liver. However, dandelion tea side effects include asthma and skin irritation so make sure you check with a healthcare professional before consuming dandelion tea detox.
● Matcha Detox
If you’re looking for the best detox tea for weight loss, then matcha tea is the detox tea for you. Matcha tea helps your body burn calories at a faster rate. Matcha tea is also a great kidney detox tea because it is high in antioxidants. Antioxidants have been found to be an effective tool against kidney damage and various kidney diseases.
● Oolong Tea Detox
Oolong tea is a great everyday detox tea you can use as a liver cleanse drink. It helps reduce the amount of fat around your liver that can cause permanent liver damage. However, its strongest benefit is helping reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and various different cancers.
● Arbonne Detox Tea
Arbonne detox tea is an herbal tea specifically made to help detoxify the body. However, keep in mind that it includes a natural laxative. This combined with the laxative effect of a detox means you should drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.
● Turmeric Detox Tea
Turmeric is one of the best detox teas for bloating. The curcumin found in turmeric helps fight bloating and other forms of indigestion. The anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric is also a great antioxidant.
● Peach Detox Tea
Peach detox teas normally contain other herbs such as ginger or dandelion. These have been found to boost the effects of detox and aid in weight loss.
● Ginger Detox Tea
Ginger detox tea helps with detox but it’s also great for those who have indigestion issues. Ginger detox tea helps boost your metabolism and kickstart your weight loss as well.
● Burdock Tea
Burdock tea is made from a burdock plant and has many health benefits. Benefits include reducing blood pressure and improving liver health.
● Sarsaparilla Tea
Sarsaparilla tea has been around for centuries. Benefits of sarsaparilla tea include anti-inflammatory benefits for those suffering from arthritis and anti-cancerous properties that reduce the risk of breast and liver cancer.
● Chinese Detox Tea
Chinese detox teas include various different herbs depending on which tea you go with. However, you can be sure any Chinese detox teas will help cleanse your liver, kidneys, and blood. Chinese detox tea one of the best liver cleanses you can do.
● Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Tea
This is a popular drink to take for detox because it also helps regulate your blood sugar. This is great for those who are at risk for diabetes or already suffer from a form of diabetes.
● Traditional Medicinals Detox Tea
This tea used schisandra berries which have long been used for detoxification over thousands of years. This tea helps promote a healthy liver for a best liver detox.
Detox Water
Detox water is good for those who can’t handle any herbal side effects from various different detox drinks. However, it’s just as effective of a detox cleanse drink as the teas. It’s a natural cleanse you can do for detoxifying your liver and kidneys as part of a body cleanse regimen for those who might be allergic to detox herbal tea.
Detox Tea For Men - Different Or The Same?
Men and women have different bodies. Women will detox to help them with menstrual cramps and men detox for different reasons such as the environmental toxins they’re exposed to at work. However, these different detox cleanse tea teas and recipes can help both men and women with their goal of detoxifying the body.
The Takeaway: A lot of detox teas benefits
Whether you need to detox to lose weight or need to detox to help reduce the pain caused by various diseases. Each of these teas have something for everyone. Even if you’re doing a detox just to alleviate symptoms like fatigue, you will see much needed improvement to give you the freedom to enjoy your life. Just make sure to detox whenever you feel you need to. Every individual body is different.
*This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.