The Best 8 Teas For Weight Loss And Bloating
Find Your Best Slimming Tea

Medical Fact Checked by: Dr. Bryan Havoc
When you’re looking around for what tea is best for weight loss, then you probably stumbled upon a list of different teas and their benefits. How do you know which tea is the best weight loss tea?
Let’s take a look at different teas from oolong tea to green tea and their many benefits.
Which Tea Is Best For Weight Loss?
There is a list of teas you can choose from when you’re looking for the best tea for weight loss and detox. You could choose a popular tea that burns fat such as green tea or you could go with a slimming tea such as rooibos tea if you can’t handle the caffeine in natural green tea for weight loss. Many of these options are considered an appetite suppressant tea as they help the signals to your brain that tell you that you’re hungry.
Each tea has its own variation of a weight loss tea recipe that you can customize depending on your individual needs. Each has also various herbs for weight loss that you can use in any custom recipe to make a fat-burning tea individualized to you, so if you’re looking for what is the best tea to drink for weight loss, then take a look at this list of teas and their benefits.
Green Tea - One of The Most Effective Teas For Weight Loss
If you’re searching around for what is the best tea for weight loss, then you’ll most likely come across many lists that tell you about the best green tea for weight loss. You may also find when is the best time to drink green tea for weight loss.
Since green tea has caffeine, then you’ll want to stay away from green tea near bedtime.
Green tea is not the best tea to drink before bed for weight loss because of its natural caffeine. Caffeine isn’t added into green tea, so it’s best to avoid it later in the evening. However, if you want a good alternative to coffee, then green tea is one of the best weight loss tea detox drinks you can take.
You don’t have to look for what kind of green tea is best for weight loss as any variation gives the same benefits. Matcha tea comes from the same plant as green tea, but which green tea is best for weight loss? Well, when you’re looking for what is the best green tea for weight loss, then you need to look into whether you’re wanting the entire leaf or just parts of it. Matcha tea is the entire leaf ground into powder, so you’re getting the entirety of the benefit such as green tea for weight loss, stronger antioxidants,
Oolong Tea - Could Help Improve Weight Loss by Improving Fat Burning
Oolong tea is considered a laxative tea because the caffeine found in this tea helps create a laxative effect that helps cleanse your gut. The same plant used to make green or black tea is what is used to make oolong tea.
Since it comes from the same plant that green tea comes from, it shares many of the same symptoms such as weight loss, cancer prevention, and reduces the risk of heart disease. However, since oolong tea does create a laxative effect, you want to make sure you’re drinking plenty of water to keep up with the fluids your body is losing.
Herbal Tea aka Teatox
If you’re looking for one of the best teas detoxes for weight loss, then look no further than herbal tea. Herbal tea is considered one of the best slimming tea for weight loss because of the fact that it’s in so many different natural tea recipes or included on many guides for what is the best tea to drink for weight loss.
Bloating is one of the most common gastrointestinal and herbal teas such as peppermint, ginger, or chamomile are considered some of the best teas for weight loss and bloating. Chamomile also helps treat a number of other gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and nausea as well. Peppermint is considered a good homemade herbal tea for weight loss as it boosts your metabolism and helps reduce cravings. Peppermint has also been found to increase exercise performance as well as reduce blood pressure, so you don’t need to wonder what is the best tea for weight loss.
Puerh Tea or Pu’er Tea - May Lower Blood Sugar And Blood Triglycerides
Pu’er tea is considered a great diet tea if you’re looking for a good tummy fat reducing tea. This skinny tea comes from China where it’s made through a specialized fermentation process. This cleansing tea helps reduce toxins in your body. These toxins have been linked to weight gain, so you can bet it is on the list for best weight loss tea detox.
Pu’er tea’s antioxidants have been found to reduce the signs of aging as well as lower cholesterol and help prevent the risk of heart disease.
Rooibos Tea - Has More Than 50% of The Antioxidants That Green Tea
Unlike other teas, which originate in Asia, rooibos tea comes from South Africa. Rooibos tea is also a good tea for those who can’t handle the natural caffeine found in other teas, but it’s still a great slim tea for weight loss.
Rooibos tea also helps reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, much like other teas can do.
It also has more than 50% of the antioxidants that green tea carries, so you’re getting more against inflammation, free radicals, and toxins as long as you can put up with its sweet and fruity taste.
Mint Tea or Peppermint Tea - Banish Cravings
Mint tea is a great weight loss tea to reach for if your goal is to slim down a bit. The only thing you need to worry about with mint tea is that it contains a little more sugar than the average tea. If you’re one to add extra sugar to tea, then you’ll want to stay away from doing that with mint tea as there is already a lot and you’ll be doing the opposite of losing weight.
However, the energy you get from mint tea will help you perform better at the gym, so you’ll lose even more weight. If you’re not one to work out, then it still aids in weight loss as well as helps boost your immune system.
White Tea - Prevents The Formation of Fat Cells, Helping To Reduce Weight Gain
White tea comes from the same plant as green or black tea and is picked right before the buds are ready to open. White tea has the normal benefits of green tea such as reducing the risk of heart disease with polyphenols. Polyphenols help reduce blood pressure by giving your body much-needed antioxidants.
White tea has as much caffeine as green tea and that has been linked to the breakdown of fat and increased metabolism. However, you want to make sure you are consuming plenty of water as well as caffeine can also cause a laxative effect. You can’t deny white tea’s addition to one of the best teas for weight loss.
Black Tea - Lower Your Levels of Triglycerides
Black tea is also a great tea for weight loss as it comes from the same plant as green and white tea. However, unlike the other two teas, black tea is stronger at providing a healthy gut microbiome to help you flush out toxins that are keeping you from losing weight.
Black tea has also been found to lower your levels of triglycerides that can induce obesity. The more triglycerides you have the more unwanted fat you’ll have including visceral fat. With black tea reducing the levels of obesity-causing triglycerides, you’ll find the weight sheds right off.
The Takeaway: Choose Right Diet Tea to Lose Weight
There are a lot of great options to choose from when you’re looking for the best detox tea for weight loss. Whether you’re looking for green tea vs. matcha tea and what kind of green tea is best for weight loss or if oolong tea is better than mint tea you can’t deny they all have their strengths. There are many benefits to these different teas for weight loss such as lowering blood sugar and providing your body with much-needed antioxidants. In the end, any of these teas can be considered a good diet tea, but you have to try each one to see which one works best for you.
*This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.