How to Get Rid of Gas Pain. Home Remedies
Reduce Intestinal Gas and Bloating

Medical Fact Checked by: Dr. Bryan Havoc
Gas in your stomach is one of the most irritating things to deal with. It’s insane how gas bubbles can cause so much pain & discomfort that can really affect your day to day life. Are you lost on how to get rid of intestinal gas? Is too much gas leaving you searching for how to get rid of belly bloat? There are plenty of methods for how to get rid of bloating. Stomach pain relief and natural remedies for gas are just a scroll down this page. Say goodbye to painful gas and learn how to relieve bloating fast - it’s easier than you think.
Why Does Gas Cause Bloating?
Gas causes bloating because it builds up in your abdomen. The gas becomes trapped, resulting in stomach bloating. This abdominal gas can cause pain, chest pain, excessive gas, and is an unattractive symptom that can have a negative effect on your self-esteem.
While gas is primarily a health concern, it’s normal to feel unattractive when dealing with a bloated stomach.
Is Gas Normal?
If you feel like your gas is an abnormal thing that makes you weird & unhealthy, you’ll be surprised to know that it’s an extremely normal problem people deal with from day to day. Believe it or not, approximately 5 percent of visits to the E.R. are complaints of abdominal pain with many of them actually being trapped gas. If you’re wondering what the normal amount of gas is, take a load of this:
Your body can produce anywhere from 1 pint to half a gallon per day
Think you’re passing too much gas? Farting 13-21 times per day is completely normal.
What Causes Gas?
We’re going to list out some of the most common causes of gas. Your gas is most likely caused by one or more of the following:
- Food intolerance
- Bacterial overgrowth
- Constipation
- Smoking
- Chewing tobacco
- Overeating
- Chewing gum
- Drinking from straws
- Talking while you eat
- Stress
- Prescription & over the counter medications
- Fiber supplements
- Irritable bowel syndrome
Some less common causes of stomach gas include:
- Crohn’s disease
- Peptic ulcers
- Ulcerative colitis
- Postnasal drip
What Foods Cause Gas?
While every person reacts differently to certain foods, this is a list of foods that commonly cause intestinal gas:
- Legumes (beans, lentils, peanuts, etc.)
- Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, brussel sprouts, etc.)
- Onions & garlic
- Pears & apples
- Fructose
- Starchy foods (corn, potatoes, pasta, etc.)
- Artificial sweeteners
- Brown rice
- Oatmeal
- Dairy
- Carbonated drinks
It’s possible that foods we didn’t list are responsible for causing your gas. We suggest you keep a food diary so you can keep track of what you ate. When you experience gas pain or stomach bloating, you can commonly find the answer by seeing what you ate a few hours earlier. Gas after eating is extremely common, so you should never rule it out.
How to Get Rid of Gas
Unsure of how to relieve bloating fast? You’ll be happy to know that there are so many ways on how to get rid of trapped gas in stomach. You’re likely to find something on our list that works for you. If you’re looking for natural remedies for how to get rid of stomach gas pain, we’ve included some methods you can easily do at home. Natural gas relief is a great alternative to using gas relief medicine, especially if you’re not able to go to a pharmacy while you are experiencing this inconvenience.
Baking Soda for Gas
Baking soda aka sodium bicarbonate is a cheap & simple how to get rid of gas home remedy that’s been done for a long time. All you need to do is take down ½ a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in room temperature water. Don’t drink any more than ½ a teaspoon because too much baking soda can cause stomach injury, especially after eating.
Teas & Herbs for Getting Rid of Gas
Teas & herbs are the perfect homeopathic remedy to bring you gas relief. The best teas & herbs to drink are:
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Fennel
- Coriander (cilantro)
- Anise
- Caraway
- Chamomile
- Peppermint
Make sure you don’t use artificial sweeteners in your tea because they often cause unwanted bloating and gas build-up.
Apple Cider Vinegar
One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar can be added to 8 oz of water or your cup of tea to reduce bloating & gas. Drink this up to 3 times per day before meals for the results.
Get Active or Exercise
Interested in knowing how do you get yourself to fart? Trapped gas can be released by getting active. Moving around and exercising will help promote the movement of gas through your body, allowing you to be relieved. You can do this by walking, running, or jumping roap. Another great tip is to walk after your meals to prevent gas build-up.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal has been rising in popularity thanks to its extensive health benefits, including gas & bloating relief. You can find this natural gas relief medicine in capsules in the supplement section of your grocery store or as a loose powder. Take activated charcoal before meals as well as 1 hour after to get rid of gas. Keep in mind that extensive use of activated charcoal can lead to black stools.
Don’t take too much because it can lead to constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting.
If you have capsules, take them as directed on the container. If you have loose activated charcoal powder, dissolve up ½-1 teaspoon in 8 oz of water. When taking activated charcoal, make sure you drink a lot of water because you can become dehydrated. If you take prescription medication, you shouldn’t use activated charcoal because it can bind to the medicine and prevent your body from absorbing it properly.
Positions to Relieve Gas
If you’re looking for a way to get rid of gas immediately, fast, and naturally try out certain positions to relieve gas. Yoga is also a great natural remedy for how to get rid of painful gas quickly. Here are the best positions to do for gas relief:
- Child’s pose - Sit on the floor with your knees and bring your forehead down to the ground. Stretch your arms over your head and forward with your hands on the ground as you do this pose.
- Crab pose - This position requires you to squat very low which may not be possible for some people. To do the crab pose, start with your feet shoulder-width apart with your toes facing slightly outwards. Squat as low to the ground as possible without touching your butt to the ground.
- Downward dog - Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Put your hands on the ground and point your butt upwards, making your body into an upside-down V-shape.
- One of the best poses for gas relief is bringing your knees up to your chest while you lie on your back.
We suggest that you don’t use these poses as the answer for how to get rid of gas after surgery. Try one of our other methods or
Trapped Gas Symptoms: Pain, Cramps, Etc.
What are the symptoms of trapped gas? Can gas cause chest pain? Bloating symptoms vary from person to person. If you’re not sure whether you’re dealing with bloating and gas, then take a look at our list of trapped gas symptoms:
- Sharp pain
- Swollen stomach aka abdominal bloating
- Abdominal cramps
- Gas pain in chest
- Passing excessive amounts of gas
- Burping
Gas pain symptoms can often come on suddenly and be very painful to deal with, making it a priority to get rid of the gas quickly. How long can gas pains last? If left alone, gas pains can persist well beyond 2 days. Some people have dealt with abdominal discomfort lasting more than 1 week. Later on, we’ll explain some situations where your gas symptoms should be addressed by your doctor.
How to Prevent Gas From Happening
Following some of our tips will help with how to get rid of bloating. The important part of this is by tapping into what causes gas. Earlier we listed foods and other things that are the most common causes of gas. By preventing the foods and habits that make you prone to abdominal bloating, you can avoid excess gas and a bloated stomach.
Tips for Preventing Future Gas
Some more tips to help prevent gas build-up, how to relieve gas fast, and reduce bloating include:
- Drinking enough water
- Cutting out carbonated drinks
- Drinking liquids that aren’t too hot or too cold
- Avoid irritating foods
- Don’t use artificial sweeteners
- Chew food thoroughly
- Eat slower
- Avoid chewing gum & tobacco
- Quit smoking
- Exercise more often
- Talk with your doctor about medicinal changes if you suspect it is your prescribed medicine
Conditions Known to Cause Gas Bloating & Gas Pain
While you may be diagnosed with one of these conditions, if you’re not then you may be dealing with an underlying digestive problem. The most common heath conditions responsible for excess gas are:
- Crohn’s disease
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Stomach ulcers (peptic ulcers)
- Ulverative colitis
- When to See a Doctor
If our tips on how to get rid of bloating and gas aren’t enough, don’t hesitate to get help from your doctor. If you’re experiencing the following symptoms, then you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible:
- Persistent heartburn
- Diarrhea
- Constipation
- Weight loss
- Loss of appetite
- Vomiting & nausea
- Unpredictable bowel movement changes
- Blood in stool
- Consistent abdominal pain
The Takeaway: Gas and Bloating are Normal & Can be Treated Naturally
If you’re dealing with unwanted gas and bloating, remember that you’re not alone. Everyone deals with discomfort and pain due to gas at one point or another. Try out our tips for natural gas relief. As always, if your symptoms become too severe or you are unable to find relief, consult with your doctor.
*This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.