How Does Fiber Help You Detox?
Can fiber really help cleanse our bodies?

Medical Fact Checked by: Dr. Bryan Havoc
When you think of a detox, you think of helping your body remove waste. What else do you know that helps remove waste from your body? That’s right, fiber has always been touted as a nutrient that helps cleanse out your colon and intestines. Before we go into how fiber can help you detox, let’s look into what fiber does alone.
How Does Fiber Affect Your Digestive System?
Fiber is a carbohydrate that doesn’t break down into sugar. There are two types of fiber. The first type of fiber is called soluble fiber and dissolves into water to help reduce the risk of heart disease. The second one is known as insoluble fiber and it doesn’t break down into sugar that it’s able to latch onto waste and other molecules in your digestive system as it makes its way out.
The more dietary fiber you consume, the easier it is to pass waste in your digestive system.
When you eat too little fiber, the stool can harden in your intestines and make your waste harder to pass. When you’re constipated, the waste could cause health complications as it lingers longer in your digestive tracts.
When you suffer from constipation often, you’re actually putting yourself at a higher risk of different cancers from colon cancer to rectal cancer. On the flip side, constipation isn’t the only issue that affects your colon. If there’s too much water in your colon you could suffer the other extreme, also known as diarrhea. Diarrhea can cause a range of issues from dehydration to headaches and even a fever.
Fiber helps your diarrhea as well by absorbing the extra fluid in your bowels.
However, keep in mind that you still need to drink a healthy amount of water to help your body recover from the water it lost.
Where Can You Find Fiber?
If you’re looking for soluble fiber, you’ll want to reach for foods such as oats, beans, and berries. Soluble fiber has been found to help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation that reduces your risk of heart disease.
Soluble fiber is suggested for those who not only want to get their gut health in check but improve their heart health as well.
Insoluble fiber can sometimes be found in the same foods as soluble fiber. It’s mostly found on the skins of fruits and beans, as well as certain vegetables from broccoli to spinach. Insoluble fiber, as mentioned before, is great for speeding up the movement of waste through your body and preventing any further health issues associated with constipation or other gastrointestinal tract diseases.
How Does Fiber Help Detox?
The faster your body can process and eliminate waste, the fewer resources it needs to use to maintain a healthy gut.
Also, as the fiber moves through the intestines, it latches on to the toxins that are collecting in your digestive tracts and pulls it out with them. Fiber is a great addition to any detox regimen. A mixture of natural ingredients, a healthy diet of fiber, and plenty of water helps reduce the number of toxins in your intestines.
Think of insoluble fiber as a vacuum ball that moves through your digestive system collecting waste, toxins, drugs, and other waste. While our body does a great job of removing all that waste by itself. Adding fiber helps with your detox regimen of healthy eating and natural detox products.
*This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.