How Often Should I Detox The Body?
There are signals that your body needs a detox

Medical Fact Checked by: Dr. Bryan Havoc
It’s no secret that there are many health benefits for detoxifying the body, but how often should you detox the body? You are the only one who knows your body and the signals it sends you. If you’re starting to break out, you’re feeling moody, or you’re being weight down with brain fog, then it might be time to do a detox.
Toxins Are Everywhere
You cannot avoid toxins because they are everywhere. From the food we eat to the air we breathe, there is just no conceivable way to avoid toxins. In fact, there are almost a hundred thousand known chemicals that humans are exposed to on a daily basis. That’s not something your body can handle by itself, especially if you’re not regulating what goes into your body. The only thing we can do is support our body’s natural ability to detoxify itself.
What Exactly Is A Toxin?
A toxin is any chemical or substance that can harm your body. Constant exposure to these chemicals or substances can lead to various health issues that affect almost every organ in your body from your brain to your liver.
The toxins can also get stored into fat tissue if there’s too much of a buildup for your body to handle naturally.
Your liver does what it can to break down the fat as it comes in, but there’s an eventual traffic jam that builds up if you’re taking in more toxins than your body is removing.
How Does The Body Detoxify Itself?
If your body didn’t have the ability to detoxify itself then you wouldn’t be around reading this piece. However, with the exposure that we have daily to toxic chemicals in the air, water, and almost everything we eat, our body can only handle so much.
Even simply sitting on a couch, washing our hair with shampoo, or cleaning with a common household cleaner exposes our body to toxins.
The body does naturally detoxifies itself. From your colon to your liver, your body is constantly working to rid itself of the number of toxins it takes in daily. However, the problem ends up becoming, if you take in more than it cleanses out, it ends up building up in your body leading to a number of issues.
What Can Happen If Your Body Accumulates Too Many Toxins?
If you don’t help your body with a supplemental detox regimen then you run the risk of overloading your system that can cause a number of diseases ranging from heart disease to cancer.
Carrying too many toxins in your body without reliably detoxifying it can lead to diabetes. There is no cure for diabetes, and it can spiral into a number of other health issues. This can cost you thousands of dollars in hospital bills. That’s why it’s important to supplement your body’s detoxification process with natural detox products.
How Do You Know Your Body Is Ready For A Detox?
If you start developing a headache, feel nauseous, have diarrhea, or other pains, especially without any underlying medical issues, then it is time to start a detox regimen. A detox regimen includes a combination of healthy eating, taking natural detox supplement products, and drinking plenty of water.
Your body needs all the help it can get, especially when you’re stressed from work or school. When you have a lot of excess stress in your life, your body isn’t as efficient in handling its own natural processes and removing harmful waste from our body because it’s using up its energy to handle your stress.
If you have done a detox routine before, then you know how great you feel afterward.
You have the energy to tackle your day, you make better and healthier decisions, and you don’t feel so weighed down.
You can see the bag under your eyes from the lack of sleep, the breakouts on your skin, and the number on your weight getting higher. You’ll feel sluggish daily, constantly constipated, or bloating and gassy. All of these symptoms are signs that it’s time to give your body a hand to detoxify itself, but how often should you do it?
How Often Should I Detoxify The Body
Your body, especially your liver, needs extra help when it’s exposed to pesticides, gasoline, fabric softeners, medications, and other harmful substances and chemicals on a daily basis. Most people would say that you shouldn’t do full detoxification of your body more than five times a year.
Just like with a car, you shouldn’t bring it in when it isn’t time for a routine inspection unless there’s something wrong. The same can be said about your body, when you start feeling the symptoms of being overloaded with toxins then you should go ahead and start a detox regimen. You also need to take a look at your lifestyle if you’re detoxing more than every other month or every couple of months.
Take a journal of what you’re eating. Are you eating healthy fruits and vegetables or are you eating processed food? Are you drinking enough water or are you drinking more alcohol and sugary soda than water?
Are you exercising? It’s important to get at least thirty minutes of aerobic workout daily, not just to help detoxify your body, but for your cardiovascular health as well. If you’re following a healthy lifestyle regimen then you wouldn’t need to detox more than a few times a year, because your system is clean and working optimally without outside help.
However, if you’re constantly putting junk into your body then you need to step up your detox game if you want to keep your body clean.
It’s almost important to detox every couple of months even if you’re not feeling sluggish as a preventative measure to keep your body and your mind happy.
When you start to feel fatigued, weighed down physically and mentally, or just not feeling well at all, then check with your doctor. If they find, there’s nothing physically wrong with you after a basic check-up then it might be time to detoxify your body. Don’t wait for the toxins to overload your system. Grab a natural detox product and help your body today.
*This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.