7 signs you have too many toxins in your body
Exposure to toxins in your daily life is pretty unavoidable

Medical Fact Checked by: Dr. Bryan Havoc
Toxins and other harmful substances are found in everything from the air we breathe to the food we eat to the products we use to bathe. Toxic effects on our body lead to symptoms such as low energy, weight gain, digestive issues, insomnia, mental issues, body aches, and skin sensitivity.
There’s just no avoiding the toxins, and your body has a hard time keeping up with them. If you find yourself with one, two, or all of the symptoms happening to your body then you might want to look at toxins as the culprit and start seeking supplemental detox products.
Can low energy be sign of too many toxins?
If you’re feeling chronically fatigued, then you might need to look at the air that you’re breathing to the food you’re consuming as the culprit. If you find yourself relying too much on unhealthy energy drinks or morning coffee just to keep your body’s motor running throughout the day then your body might be overloaded with toxins.
Too many toxins in your body can also lead to insomnia that can cause your body to not have enough energy throughout the day.
Even if you do get a good amount of sleep, too many toxins still has a negative effect on your fatigue and concentration.
Weight Loss Problem? Detox your body!
If you find yourself working out and dieting but still not losing any weight you might want to look at an overload of toxins in your body as the culprit. You might find yourself not making any progress and lose motivation to lose weight.
Once you lose that motivation then you fall back into unhealthy practices that can also lead to more weight gain. If you feel like you’re not budging on your weight, then you might want to add a detox routine to your workout and diet routine to see if toxins are the culprit and if that will help you on your weight loss journey.
Bloating or other digestive issues? You need to cleanse.
It’s no surprise that toxins can cause digestive issues, seeing as the majority of the toxins that enter your body is through beverages and food. Your gut receives the bulk of the toxins and can have a negative effect on the delicate ecosystem that is your gut.
If you’ve ever wondered why people talk about gut bacteria and gut pH levels, then all of that can be affected by toxins in your gut. The worst part about the digestive issues caused by toxins is they can snowball into other issues that can pile onto existing symptoms of having too many toxins such as mental issues and low energy.
In fact, there’s something called “leaky gut syndrome” which is a health issue caused by too many toxins in your gut. The toxins end up leaking through the walls of your intestine and possibly lead to or exacerbate issues linked with a leaky gut syndrome such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, and diabetes.
If you find that your gut is overloaded with toxins that your body just isn’t clearing out itself then you might want to look into starting a detox regimen to help your body rid itself of these harmful toxins.
Toxins cause insomnia and sleeping problems
Everybody should aim for an average of 8 hours of sleep a night. Getting plenty of sleep allows the body to rest and regenerate its cells to allow you to function the next day. Unfortunately, too many toxins in your body cause insomnia and irregular sleep patterns.
Not getting enough sleep is also the culprit behind everything from unhealthy food cravings (which can lead to weight gain) to low energy and stress.
Lack of concentration, problems with depression and mental issues
Having too many toxins in your body not only causes a range of mental issues like depression and anxiety but can also lead to irritability and stress. This could affect not just your personal relationships, but your professional relationships as well.
Being too stressed also has an adverse effect on blood pressure. Not being able to control your blood pressure can lead to a variety of cardiovascular issues.
These cardiovascular issues range from early heart attack or stroke. You could also suffer from brain fog which could affect your concentration, focus, and memory.
Toxins in blood cause muscle, head and body ache
When you have too many toxins in your body they can travel through the bloodstream. This blood travels throughout your body and does a number not only on your muscles but your bones and joints as well. Being overloaded with toxins can also cause piercing headaches. People will often find themselves using over-the-counter pain medications to no avail.
The muscle pain in your body may feel like the pain from the lactic acid in your tissues after a good workout, but after a day or two, the lactic acid pain should go away. However, if you find that your muscles and general body ache are chronic then you might want to look into pain caused by inflammation due to toxins in your blood.
Harmful toxins on your skin
Toxins also affect the largest organ in your body. If you don’t wash the chemicals off the fruit or vegetables you eat or if you’re not eating organic, then those toxins can get inside of your body and cause issues with your skin.
Even filling your car with gasoline can get harmful toxins on your skin and lungs. The more the toxins build up inside of your body, the more your skin can be affected with symptoms like rashes, acne, and varicose veins.
Having too many toxins in your body can cause a snowball effect that links everything from low energy to weight gain. If you think about it, having low energy means you need to rely on sugar to try to stay awake, which can lead to weight gain, and then cause a number of mental issues and muscle pains.
You may need to start a detox regimen using supplements or different detox products to restart your system and get your body back in order.
*This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment.